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With so much uncertainty in the world, I am always looking for ways to stay grounded and live in the present. Whether it’s a quick trip home to have lunch with my busy working daughters, or spending a few moments each morning reading from someone much smarter than me, I am finding a desire, no, a need to connect a bit deeper with the world around me. Living well and well-living are not always thought of in the same way, but as a design professional, it is my job to create a home that cares for and nourishes the body and soul, as well as providing beauty and inspiration for the mind!

Here are few simple ways we can create a better sense of wellness in our home lives.

Image: unsplash

Get Moving

If you’re anything like me, it takes a heck of a lot to get me motivated to exercise (the image above is clearly not me!). According to Brad Sims, a personal trainer and nutrition expert, “Exercise helps release endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that help us dull pain receptors” (which is why moving around helps get rid of morning aches and pains and joint stiffness). Since all of us are busier than ever, try one of my favorite exercise apps, the new 7 Minute Workout. Whether you’ve got a few minutes in the morning, or you can carve out a little time at lunch, a regular approach to full body movement will keep those endorphins flowing and allow your mind to focus on the positive!

Yummy avocado toast from Le Pain Quotidien, an EGID favorite!

Yummy avocado toast from Le Pain Quotidien, an EGID favorite!

Nourishment Head to Toe

“Habit formation is the only way to break a bad cycle.” Says Sacha Judge, a nutrition health coach. “Beginning the day with a low glycemic meal reduces insulin, satiates you and maintains a stable blood sugar, which decreases sugar cravings. This will enhance your focus during the morning, enabling you to make a much healthier choice for lunch.”  I find that creating healthy routines eventually becomes second nature. Lately, I’ve been starting the day with a breakfast of eggs, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, and extra virgin olive oil. It allows me to take on the day and not feel too guilty about that glass of red wine with dinner!

A “Happy Place” to sleep in our EGID Project Forest Ave.

A “Happy Place” to sleep in our EGID Project Forest Ave.

De-Stress & Sleep Well

So many of us are having to take on more responsibilities with less resources than ever. Being the parent, teacher, coach, and crew are bringing life to a rapid boil, and we need a constructive way to decompress. Enter sleep, nature’s ultimate de-stressifying gift! But managing stress and anxiety is crucial for getting enough sleep. Yoga and meditation are great tools for managing stress, and they can be done in a small space. There are many studios live-streaming guided classes. You can also turn to apps like Headspace for virtual mindfulness training.

From our Project Stratford, the family den becomes a fully functional home office!

From our Project Stratford, the family den becomes a fully functional home office!

Make Your Own Space

With most of us working from home, it’s harder than ever to focus and check off that work to-do list. And since it may be a while until we are back to taking that elevator up to the 37th floor again, it might be a good time to think about creating dedicated space for work, fitness, and mindfulness. Get out of the dining room and take that spare guest room. Bring in a beautiful desk, a comfy chair, and plenty of organization. And don’t be afraid to close that door for a little privacy

Regardless of how you do it, staying in touch with your body and your emotions is a healthy way to deal with the stressors of our new normal, and give yourself a little break in the process. Stay Well!!

“It is my job to create a home that cares for and nourishes the body and soul, as well as providing beauty and inspiration for the mind!”